29-30 September 2015 Conference

  • The spirit of this conference is to work together on the interactions between social policies, demographic change and the transformation of family systems. Our goal is mostly to create space and time for demographers, sociologists, anthropologists and social policy specialists to exchange and discuss recent research findings.
  • Our perspective is resolutely international, we intend to overcome north/south divides to question the way States and families manage solidarity issues in various economic and demographic settings. We expect paper presentations to shed light on the links between population structure, public policies and private solidarities in a systemic approach, at different scales.
Tuesday, September 29th 2015
  • 9h15. Opening: Chantal Cases, directrice de l’Ined, Géraldine Duthé (Pôle Suds, Ined), William Molmy (Drip, Ined et iPOPs) et Kathy Rousselet (CERI, Sciences Po et USPC)

  • 9h30-10h. Introduction: Valérie Golaz (Ined), Cécile Lefèvre (Paris Descartes University - Ined), Jacques Véron (Ined). "Demographic dynamics, social policies and intergenerational relationships: towards new configurations? The added value of international comparisons".

  • 10h-11h. Keynote: the case of China

    Du Peng
    (Institute of Gerontology, Renmin University, Beijing, China). "Ageing, the one child policy, intergenerational relationships and the management of pensions". Abstract. Download the PowerPoint.

    Coffee break

  • 11h15-12h30. Demographic “crisis”, State responses and family reconfigurations in post-soviet Russia
    President: Sophie Hohmann (CERCEC/EHESS)

    Lidia Prokofieva (Academy of Sciences and Haute Ecole d’Economie de Moscou, Russie) "The role of family support for older persons". Abstract. Download the PowerPoint.

    Svetlana Russkikh (Paris Descartes University, iPOPs - Ined) and Cécile Lefèvre (Paris Descartes University and Ined) "Demographic context and « Maternity Capital» policy in Russia: impacts on conjugal and intergenerational relationships". Abstract.

    Lunch break

  • 14h-15h.The social dimensions of the Greek crisis
    President: Jacques Véron (Ined)

    Byron Kotzamanis (Thessalia University, Greece) and Gabriel Colletis (Université of Toulouse 1, France) "Which Greek crisis, what solutions?".

  • 15h-16h15. In South America, inequalities and new models of social protection?
    President: Roxana Eleta de Filippis (Le Havre University)

    Enrique Pelaez (Latino-American Association of Population, CIECS/CONICET, Cordoba, Argentine) "Demographic changes and access to economic security in elderly people in Latin America". Abstract.

    Valéria Pero (Institute of Economics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brésil) "Poverty, inequality and the conditional cash transfer Bolsa Família program in Brazil". Abstract.

    Coffee break

  • 16h30-17h30. Round table, Demographic giants, social transformation and economic development: is there a specificity of the Brics (Brazil, China, Russia, India)? with Du Peng (Institute of Gerontology, Renmin University, Beijing) and Valéria Pero (Institute of Economics, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

  • 17h30-18h. Bibliographical watch and website project on the theme « Population structure and social protection »
    with Laura Guérin (Paris Descartes University) and Svetlana Russkikh (Paris Descartes University, IPOPsIned). Abstract.

Wednesday, September 30th 2015
  • 9h30-11h15. Rapid ageing prospects in young countries, transformation of family systems and issues of political and economic governance in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    President: Philippe Antoine (IRD)

    Tom Briaud (Paris Descartes University, iPOPs-Ined) "Old age policy in Burkina Faso: International organisations, the State and civil society". Abstract.

    Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (Lasdel, Niger) "Cash transfers in Africa: A social policy in the hands of NGOs?". Abstract.

    James Ntozi et Abel Nzabona (Makerere University, Uganda) "Ageing in Uganda: Challenges and Values". Abstract. Download the PowerPoint.

    Coffee break

  • 11h30-12h30. Enjeux démographiques et sociaux des DOM
    President: Loïc Trabut (Ined)

    Claude-Valentin Marie (Ined) et Didier Breton (University of Strasbourg, Ined) "Demographic structure and social policies in the DOM". 

    Françoise Rivière (Agence Française de Développement) "The French Oversees, between North and South: when the social model predates the economic model". Abstract. Download the PowerPoint.

    Lunch Break

  • 14h-15h15. Strong social policy choices, for which familial and demographic specificities? The case of Thaïland
    President: Marianne Berthod Wurmser (Revue Française des Affaires Sociales)

    Suphannada Limpanonda Lowhachai (Office of the National Economic Development Board, Thailande) "Ageing and the Changing Nature of Intergenerational Flows in Thailand". Abstract. Download the PowerPoint.

    Sophie Le Coeur (Ined) and Eva Lelièvre (Ined) "Public health policies in the era of the AIDS epidemic: The impact on intergenerational solidarities of combined private and public support in Thailand". Abstract.

    Coffee break

  • 15h30-16h30. Round table : Issues of social protection paradigms: universality, contributivity, targeting, conditionality…and Cash Transfer policies with Emmanuelle Cathelineau (Agence Française de Développement), Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (Lasdel, Niger), Enrique Pelaez (Latino-American Association of Population, CIECS/CONICET, Cordoba, Argentine)

  • 16h30-18h. Conclusions

  • Transversal readings with Laurent Nowik (University of Tours), Carole Bonnet (Ined), Muriel Sajoux (Université de Tours) and Béatrice Lecestre-Rollier (Université Paris Descartes)

  • Perspectives with Valérie Golaz (Ined), Cécile Lefèvre (University Paris Descartes, Ined), Jacques Véron (Ined)